暗い部屋にぼんやりとテレビの画面が浮かび上がったようなそれらの写真をあとで眺めていると、その場所にいなかったことや、画面を通して “遠くのどこか” を眺めていたことが、とても象徴的な出来事に感じました。自分が今いるところが、だれかにとっての “遠くのどこか” にもなり得ること。

- 作品ステートメントより -

When I visited Nagasaki, where I spent my junior high school days, I started taking photographs aimlessly, as if following my footsteps. Soon after, I started visiting Hiroshima, which I had no direct connection with before. Since then, I have been visiting both cities regularly to take photographs. I walked and took pictures as usual. In the end, there were many pictures where I couldn’t tell which town it was.
I wasn’t sure whether to show these photographs as my work. Then, one year, I happened to see TV broadcasts of the Peace Memorial Ceremonies in both Hiroshima and Nagasaki, on August 6 and 9. I wasn’t in either city. But I picked up my camera and clicked the shutter.
When I looked at those pictures afterwards, it seemed like the TV screens were vaguely floating in a dark room. I thought it was quite symbolic that I wasn’t there, and that I was looking at “somewhere in the distance” through the screen. The place where you are now can also be “somewhere in the distance” for another person.
In the past, I wrote about my photographs that “a casual landscape does not itself behave casually.” All places can be said to be both after something happened and before something happened.
Recording the current state of Hiroshima and Nagasaki is, in part, a method for me to keep turning over my thoughts about certain places; I continue to shoot.

- from the statement -
